What’s Your Fashion Footprint?

by Stephanie Malangone

When we get dressed in the morning, a lot of thoughts are going through our heads. The weather, who we want to impress today, which accessory to take off (they say you should always remove one before you leave the house). But something we often don’t think about is our fashion footprint. Sounds silly, right? I mean, how much could my polyester tee really be affecting my health? Well…a lot more than you’d think.

A few days ago, we were sitting around the office, discussing the idea of fashion footprints when Holly asked me a question that changed my entire outlook on the subject. “Shouldn’t we be as concerned with what we’re putting on our bodies as what we’re putting into them?” And she’s absolutely right. In the past couple of years, organic foods have been trending to the max, with people more concerned about health in terms of where their meat is coming from, how it was handled, what chemicals were fed to animals or injected into plants that we end up consuming. Shouldn’t we be equally concerned with what we’re putting on top of our skin for eight hours a day?

Currently, at SNC, we’re filing the paperwork to become organically certified. That’s right – food isn’t the only thing that can be organic. So, what’s organic clothing? In general, it has all of the same qualities as organic foods: it is made with all natural ingredients. That means EVERYTHING – right down to the thread. What you put on your body should be healthy for your skin. Your skin is your biggest organ, and your number one defense system. It’s a lot more important than you realize.

The quality of our clothing is important to us. At SNC, we will not sell you a product that you won’t love – for all the right reasons. We believe that style is about more than the way you look; it’s about the way you feel. How can you expect to feel good when your skin is covered in chemicals? Feeling clean and healthy can make all the difference when it comes to something as impressionable as your appearance.

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